
Topsail Tattler

No snoozing, just newsing

Issue 162

Amelie Rose’s 3 Meat Chilli

Ok, so everyone has a chilli recipe, right? In that case why bother to include this in my Galley Squawks at all you may wonder. The thing is, it’s such a staple when we’re aboard, and we get so many admiring comments (and so few leftovers) that I thought we really should.

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From the Galley: Idiot-Proof Rice

I’m often surprised by folks asking how I cook rice on Amelie. For a simple food it does seem to cause inordinate consternation when it comes to turning out a bowl-full that’s not swimming in water, clumped together or welded to the bottom of a pan. Even bearing in mind the epithet that making a thing idiot-proof is generally confounded by nature’s ability to make a better idiot I’m fairly sure that I have the answer.

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Chicken in Cherry Tomato & Mascarpone Sauce

Known on the boat as “Chicken Splodge” this is a lot tastier than the boat name makes it sound. It’s very easy to throw together and then looks after itself on the hob so is pretty much perfect from our point of view…

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Topsail Adventures Ltd

Phone: +44 (0)800 773 4264


Post: Amelie Rose, Harbour Office, Bucklers Hard Yacht Harbour, Beaulieu, Hampshire, UK. SO42 7XB.

Registered Company Number: 6000046

VAT Registration No. 898-7989-03

Site design by Topsail Adventures Ltd. © 2021 Topsail Adventures Ltd.


Topsail Tattler

No snoozing, just newsing

Issue 162

Amelie Rose’s 3 Meat Chilli

Ok, so everyone has a chilli recipe, right? In that case why bother to include this in my Galley Squawks at all you may wonder. The thing is, it’s such a staple when we’re aboard, and we get so many admiring comments (and so few leftovers) that I thought we really should.

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From the Galley: Idiot-Proof Rice

I’m often surprised by folks asking how I cook rice on Amelie. For a simple food it does seem to cause inordinate consternation when it comes to turning out a bowl-full that’s not swimming in water, clumped together or welded to the bottom of a pan. Even bearing in mind the epithet that making a thing idiot-proof is generally confounded by nature’s ability to make a better idiot I’m fairly sure that I have the answer.

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Chicken in Cherry Tomato & Mascarpone Sauce

Known on the boat as “Chicken Splodge” this is a lot tastier than the boat name makes it sound. It’s very easy to throw together and then looks after itself on the hob so is pretty much perfect from our point of view…

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Let's stay in touch...

Topsail Adventures Ltd

Phone: +44 (0)800 773 4264


Post: Amelie Rose, Harbour Office, Bucklers Hard Yacht Harbour, Beaulieu, Hampshire, UK. SO42 7XB.

Registered Company Number: 6000046

VAT Registration No. 898-7989-03

Site design by Topsail Adventures Ltd. © 2021 Topsail Adventures Ltd.

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